
Showing posts from 2015

php 5.6 on CentOS 7 using puppet

CentOS 7 ships with php 5.4.16 but php is fast moving again so sometimes someone wants to use the new shiny version. The potentially best supported set of new software for CentOS and Red Hat is Software Collections (SCL) Here is how to set up SCL with puppet and have php 5.6 installed:

Different English

I have lived in and traveled to a number of countries, and every day as part of my work I deal with people from countries I have not even been to yet.  We speak English to each other, but it's not the same English, it's different, and some of the differences are huge and can cause some comical misunderstandings.  People are usually not really aware that parts of their local version of English are so unique, until they find this out the hard way. I'm outlining some examples that I have come across: England... Burgers and patties, and burgers. Everyone knows what a hamburger is, or often called simply 'a burger'.  Well, not really.   The Wikipedia description is 'a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun'   That's all good and well, until you go to where English comes from: England. USA: What do you call that piece of meat inside of your burger? England: A burger. USA: So, you hav...

logstash rule for PowerMTA accounting files

It turns out that the logstash, elasticsearch, Kibana (ELK) stack is also very useful for mail server logs from PowerMTA.  PowerMTA's main method of logging is to the accounting files, this is a CSV format file, and logstash has a CSV filter. To use the logstash filter on an accounting file: